Monday, April 29, 2013

Earth Day

Well, Earth day was a week ago, so I figured I'd talk about the changes happening on and to the Earth.

Carbon is one of the most abundant elements on the planet.  It is found in everything including animals, plants, rocks, and gas, but it also plays a part in global climate change.  The carbon cycle is a naturally occurring cycle on Eart
h, but humans are throwing the carbon cycle off course by adding more carbon into the atmosphere than it is being removed, causing what is called the "Greenhouse effect".  Humans add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere because of deforestation, causing the carbon to stay in the air because it is not removed by the trees, and also burning fossil fuels adds tons of carbon into the air.  Humans alone add nearly 10 Pgs (1 Pg = 1 billion metric tons) of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, with no natural cycle to remove it.

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which is a gas that absorbs thermal radiation (heat from the Earth) and reflects the heat back to the Earth.  With an excess of carbon dioxide, there is more to reflect back to the Earth, which will heat it.  Through the centuries, there have been several natural fluctuations in the average temperature, but this is the first time it is occurring unnaturally, all because of humans.  Ever since the Industrial Revolution in the 1800's, the average temperature has slowly been climbing.

The Earth is changing because of the increase in temperature, which is causing a huge change in animal life, mainly in the poles because they are experiencing the greatest change.  Many native animals to the poles are becoming extinct, and ice bergs are slowly melting, causing a slight rise in sea level, which can eventually cause flooding.

All the changes happening on Earth seem minuscule to us now, but without changes in our lifestyle, there can be horrible consequences.

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