Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Deforestationhas been dramatically altering the Earth for years.  It is one of the leading causes of global climate change and it is drastically changing the natural course of evolution or all organisms.  Humans have all taken part, both directly and indirectly, in destroying forests all over the world. We use the wood from the trees for fuel and building materials and the cleared land can then be used for either agricultural or business purposes, such as constructing unneeded strip malls on all major roads.  Because of deforestation, hundreds on species of plants and animals have either become extinct or critically endangered.  The animals and plants that have neither become extinct nor endangered have been adapted to suit their new lives in there new habitat.  Without the trees and other plants of the forest, the Earth is slowly becoming depleted of much needed oxygen.
                There was once a bird in the family of parrots, the Carolina Parakeet that was native to the eastern coast of the United States, including New Jersey.  It became extinct in 1918 due to the mass deforestation to make room for farms for the new European immigrants.  Because of the loss of their forest habitat, the parakeets turned to eating the crops of farmers, who thought of them as pests and killed them, finishing off the last of the Carolina Parakeet.  

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