Monday, April 22, 2013

Human Evolution

            The fact that humans once came from “lesser” and simpler animals has baffled many and caused uproar in the scientific and general community alike.  It was once thought that humans evolved in a linear fashion, starting with monkeys, then going to apes, and ending with humans.  But with much research among anthropologists, within the past few decades, it has been decided that we did not come to be so easily.  Humans came from a long line of hominid, or animals more related to humans than chimpanzees are, that struggled to survive and became extinct, leaving humans, one of the only animals to live and be able to flourish on every continent, to virtually take over the entire world.  Everything had to be perfect to create humans as we are today, as one of the only animals with complex social structures and the ability to speak.  
            Along with all these traits that evolved over many, many generations, came the ability to speak, a trait unique to only humans.  Nearly all animals communicate through different ways such as body language, snarling, and high frequency noises like dolphins and whales.  But the development and teaching others of language, and the ability to understand speech through symbols we call letters is extraordinary   

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